Town Of Brant

Town of Brant Zoning Board of Appeals

ZBA Board Members:

Frank Broughton (2026) – Chairman
Paul Cesana (2027)
Christopher Czech (2028)
Richard Vespa (2025)
Kathy Vespa (2026)
Hannah Broughton (2024) – Alternate
Barbara J Daniel (2024) – Secretary

This Board meets on an as-needed basis:

Variance Application Forms:

Area or Use Variance Application – Official Town of Brant form required to apply for an Area or Use Variance. Instructions are included on page one of the form. This is also available from the Town of Brant CEO’s office. (Updated 8-28-24)

Interpretation Variance Application
– an appeal seeking an interpretation is an appeal to the ZBA claiming that the decision of the Code Enforcement Officer was incorrect. The interpretation power is part of the appellate jurisdiction of the ZBA, and CANNOT lawfully be executed unless an appeal has been taken from a Code Enforcement Officer’s decision.

Town of Brant Maps:

Erie County Online Map - GIS Interactive Mapping Viewer
Erie County Municipal Referral Map:  Shows 500’ buffers from County and State Roads, Municipal Boundaries, County and State parcels, and agricultural districts.

Town of Brant Section I. Waterfront Revitalization Area Boundary – Map showing the Waterfront Revitalization section of the Town of Brant.

State Environment Quailty Review Act (SEQR):

Help to determine your SEQR status:
The State Environment Quality Review Act (SEQR) must be considered for all Variance Applications. The NY State DOEC has an excellent tool to help determine your SEQR requirements. See here: Stepping Through the SEQR Process

SEQR Type I Actions – List of Type I actions (6 
NYCRR 617.4) SEQR Continues
SEQR Type II Actions – List of Type II actions (6 NYCRR 617.5) SEQR Concludes
Unlisted Actions – SEQR Continues (ie Use Variances)

SEQR Short Environmental Assessment Form – Part 1 - Project Information
DEC’s EAF Mapper – Online Tool to help fill in parts of the Environmental Assessment Form

The SEQR Handbook - Forth Edition 2020 (PDF 212 Pages)
The SEQR “Home Page” – NYS DEC Main SEQR Informational Website
The SEQR Regulations – SEQR Official Code (6 NYCRR Part 617)

SEQR Informational Brochures (
print two-sided):

ZBA Information From NYDOS Division of Local Governments:

Guidelines for Applicants to the Zoning Board of Appeals »
 (pdf) [2023 reprint]
Rules and standards under which appeals may be taken to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) and decisions made by the ZBA.

Zoning Board of Appeals » (pdf) [2023 reprint]
Legal framework for understanding the powers and duties of the Zoning Board of Appeals, including all statutory changes through the 2005 Legislative Session.

Guide to Planning and Zoning Laws of New York State » (pdf) [2023 reprint]
An essential publication for municipal officials, attorneys, and planning boards, containing the complete text of relevant laws, including statutory changes through the date indicated in the preface.

Training Courses –  Online interactive training for ZBA Members.

Town & State Code:

Town of Brant Code Book: 

The town’s electronic Code Book is hosted by 

Go to: Town of Brant ECode360.   (Local Laws) (Chapter 161 A - Schedule of Use, Area, Lot & Bulk Requirements)

About: eCode360 offers two modes to help you find the information you're looking for: Browse and Search.

Town of Brant Local Waterfront Revitalization Program – The Town of Brant Local Waterfront Revitalization Program is a locally prepared comprehensive land and water use plan for the Town's natural, public, and developed waterfront resources along the Muddy Creek and Lake Erie.

The Laws of New York:

General Municipal Law § 239-m – Referral of certain proposed city, town and village planning and zoning actions to the county planning agency.
County Referral DLGS Webinar – Training Video explaning GML Section 239

Erie County Environment & Planning – 239-m Municipal Referral Home Page

 Minutes from Previous Meetings 


The Town of Brant is an equal opportunity provider, and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write:
USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410,
or call
(800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD)